
After User Impersonation, every request to an API resource runs inside a transaction. The sequence of the transaction is as follows:

START TRANSACTION; -- <Access Mode> <Isolation Level>
-- <Transaction-scoped settings>
-- <Main Query>
END; -- <Transaction End>

Access Mode

The access mode determines whether the transaction can modify the database or not. There are 2 possible values: READ ONLY and READ WRITE.

Modifying the database inside READ ONLY transactions is not possible. PostgREST uses this fact to enforce HTTP semantics in GET and HEAD requests. Consider the following:

CREATE SEQUENCE callcounter_count START 1;

CREATE VIEW callcounter AS
SELECT nextval('callcounter_count');

Since the callcounter view modifies the sequence, calling it with GET or HEAD will result in an error:

curl "http://localhost:3000/callcounter"
HTTP/1.1 405 Method Not Allowed

{"code":"25006","details":null,"hint":null,"message":"cannot execute nextval() in a read-only transaction"}

Access Mode on Tables and Views

The access mode on Tables and Views is determined by the HTTP method.

HTTP Method

Access Mode





Access Mode on Functions

Functions as RPC additionally depend on the function volatility.

Access Mode

HTTP Method













  • The volatility marker is a promise about the behavior of the function. PostgreSQL will let you mark a function that modifies the database as IMMUTABLE or STABLE without failure. But, because of the READ ONLY transaction the function will fail under PostgREST.

  • The OPTIONS method method doesn’t start a transaction, so it’s not relevant here.

Isolation Level

Every transaction uses the PostgreSQL default isolation level: READ COMMITTED. Unless you modify default_transaction_isolation for an impersonated role or function.

ALTER ROLE webuser SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'repeatable read';

Every webuser gets its queries executed with default_transaction_isolation set to REPEATABLE READ.

Or to change the isolation level per function call.

RETURNS text as $$
  SELECT 'hello';
SET default_transaction_isolation TO 'serializable';

Transaction-Scoped Settings

PostgREST uses settings tied to the transaction lifetime. These can be used to get data about the HTTP request. Or to modify the HTTP response.

You can get these with current_setting

-- request settings use the ``request.`` prefix.
  current_setting('request.<setting>', true);

And you can set them with set_config

-- response settings use the ``response.`` prefix.
  set_config('response.<setting>', 'value1' ,true);

Request Headers, Cookies and JWT claims

PostgREST stores the headers, cookies and headers as JSON. To get them:

-- To get all the headers sent in the request
SELECT current_setting('request.headers', true)::json;

-- To get a single header, you can use JSON arrow operators
SELECT current_setting('request.headers', true)::json->>'user-agent';

-- value of sessionId in a cookie
SELECT current_setting('request.cookies', true)::json->>'sessionId';

-- value of the email claim in a jwt
SELECT current_setting('', true)::json->>'email';


  • The headers names are lowercased. e.g. If the request sends User-Agent: x this will be obtainable as current_setting('request.headers', true)::json->>'user-agent'.

  • The role in defaults to the value of db-anon-role.

  • Settings don’t become NULL after the transaction is committed, instead they’re set to a an empty string ''.

    • This is considered expected behavior by PostgreSQL. For more details, see this discussion.

    • To avoid this inconsistency, you can create a wrapper function like:

    CREATE FUNCTION my_current_setting(text) RETURNS text
      SELECT nullif(current_setting($1, true), '');

Request Path and Method

The path and method are stored as text.

SELECT current_setting('request.path', true);

SELECT current_setting('request.method', true);

Request Role and Search Path

Because of User Impersonation, PostgREST sets the standard role. You can get this in different ways:

SELECT current_role;

SELECT current_user;

SELECT current_setting('role', true);

Additionally it also sets the search_path based on db-schemas and db-extra-search-path.

Response Headers

You can set response.headers to add headers to the HTTP response. For instance, this statement would add caching headers to the response:

-- tell client to cache response for two days

SELECT set_config('response.headers',
  '[{"Cache-Control": "public"}, {"Cache-Control": "max-age=259200"}]', true);
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json; charset=utf-8
Cache-Control: no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate

Notice that the response.headers should be set to an array of single-key objects rather than a single multiple-key object. This is because headers such as Cache-Control or Set-Cookie need repeating when setting many values. An object would not allow the repeated key.


PostgREST provided headers such as Content-Type, Location, etc. can be overriden this way. Note that irrespective of overridden Content-Type response header, the content will still be converted to JSON, unless you use Media Type Handlers.

Response Status Code

You can set the response.status to override the default status code PostgREST provides. For instance, the following function would replace the default 200 status code.

create or replace function teapot() returns json as $$
  perform set_config('response.status', '418', true);
  return json_build_object('message', 'The requested entity body is short and stout.',
                           'hint', 'Tip it over and pour it out.');
$$ language plpgsql;
curl "http://localhost:3000/rpc/teapot" -i
HTTP/1.1 418 I'm a teapot

  "message" : "The requested entity body is short and stout.",
  "hint" : "Tip it over and pour it out."

If the status code is standard, PostgREST will complete the status message(I’m a teapot in this example).

Impersonated Role Settings

PostgreSQL applies the connection role (authenticator) settings. Additionally, PostgREST applies the impersonated roles settings as transaction-scoped settings. This allows finer-grained control over actions made by a role.

For example, consider statement_timeout. It allows you to abort any statement that takes more than a specified time. It is disabled by default.

ALTER ROLE authenticator SET statement_timeout TO '10s';
ALTER ROLE anonymous SET statement_timeout TO '1s';

With the above settings, all users get a global statement timeout of 10 seconds and anonymous users get a timeout of 1 second.

Settings with privileged context

Settings that have a context which requires privileges won’t be applied by default. This is so we don’t cause permission errors. For more details see Understanding Postgres Parameter Context.

However, starting from PostgreSQL 15, you can grant privileges for these settings with:

GRANT SET ON PARAMETER <setting> TO <authenticator>;

Hoisted Function Settings

PostgREST can “hoist” function settings to transaction-scoped settings. This allows functions settings to override the impersonated and connection role settings.

RETURNS void as $$
  SELECT pg_sleep(3); -- simulating some long-running process
SET statement_timeout TO '4s';

When calling the above function (see Functions as RPC), the statement timeout will be 4 seconds.


Only the settings in db-hoisted-tx-settings will be hoisted.

Main query

The main query is generated by requesting Tables and Views or Functions as RPC. All generated queries use prepared statements (db-prepared-statements).

Transaction End

If the transaction doesn’t fail, it will always end in a COMMIT. Unless db-tx-end is configured to ROLLBACK in any case or conditionally with the Transaction End Preference. This is useful for testing purposes.

Aborting transactions

Any database failure(like a failed constraint) will result in a rollback of the transaction. You can also RAISE an error inside a function to cause a rollback.


The pre-request is a function that can run after the Transaction-Scoped Settings are set and before the Main query. It’s enabled with db-pre-request.

This provides an opportunity to modify settings or raise an exception to prevent the request from completing.

Setting headers via pre-request

As an example, let’s add some cache headers for all requests that come from an Internet Explorer(6 or 7) browser.

create or replace function custom_headers()
returns void as $$
  user_agent text := current_setting('request.headers', true)::json->>'user-agent';
  if user_agent similar to '%MSIE (6.0|7.0)%' then
    perform set_config('response.headers',
      '[{"Cache-Control": "no-cache, no-store, must-revalidate"}]', false);
  end if;
end; $$ language plpgsql;

-- set this function on postgrest.conf
-- db-pre-request = custom_headers

Now when you make a GET request to a table or view, you’ll get the cache headers.

curl "http://localhost:3000/people" -i \
 -H "User-Agent: Mozilla/4.01 (compatible; MSIE 6.0; Windows NT 5.1)"